Let's face it! We live in the age of acronyms. Some teens have a hard time understanding full sentences. That is not a judgement it's just a fact. We live in the technology age. A time where people speak in LOL, ROTL, Woot and BRB.
My revised version of 1 Corinthians 13
1 Corr 13 (The Love Chapter) The modern day version for those of us who are confused on what God really said.
The Greatest Gift
Although I am totally cool with most people, I have a ton of facebook friends. I say what they want to hear, do what makes them happy all while having a smile on my face, but do not love you, I have become just as loud as a screaming child during a church service on a Sunday morning. A person on their cell phone in the library, forgetting they are in the Library. And even though I am born again Christian, serving in the church, prophesying what the Lord will do, and understanding all these things about God as well as memorizing scripture. Even though I have a ton of faith, It’s like I could totally remove all the problems I experience, but do not love you, I am NOTHING. And even though I give money to Save the Children and the Salvation Army every Christmas, and even though I give my body to be crushed and die on the mission field or even while ministering to people in the ghetto, but do not love you, all my works are worth nothing! I mise well have not even bothered. (mise well is a yorkism J)
Love suffers long, Love is Patient and it puts up with people treating you badly, it turns the other cheek when a driver cuts you off, or your bestie puts you down, it survives criticism and endures ridicule, it suffers problems with the boss and the wife without complaint. It is quiet when being yelled at. It keeps going when our children reject us. It preservers when it is exhausted. It does not quit. Love suffers long.
Love is kind; love opens doors for others, love lets other skip in lines, Love gives without expecting in return. Love helps when there are more important things to do, love listens to a hurting friend when it has been a horribly long day, Love gives of itself and asks the Lord to be a vessel when its self is broken. love is kind.
Love is not envious, love does not want its friend’s house because it seems better and is filled with more things, love does not want a husband like its friends because he spends more time with His children. Loves does not want what God has not ordained for it to have. Love is happy and content with what God has decided is best. Love is not envious.
Love does walk around trying to be noticed, love does not announce to world how great it is, how fast its car is or what a great employee it is, it does not share all its latest achievements but rather asks others what theirs are. Love does walk around trying to be noticed.
Love is not all “look at me!” love does not think they are better than anyone else. Love does think more highly of themselves just because they have more knowledge, are cuter, funnier or wiser. Love is not all “look at me!”.
Love is not rude, love is more content with listening then declaring what is “right” love does not exchange insult for insult, love it not greedy and love does not share based on whether someone deserves it or not, love does not jump in line at a concert and leave their cart for the clerk to put away Love is not rude.
Love is not looking on how to get its own way, It does not insist on being right or being first or being noticed but love doesn’t mind being last, it doesn’t mind being overlooked. Love doesn’t throw tantrums when things do not go their own way but rejoices in someone else’s blessings Love is not looking on how to get its own way.
Love is not provoked, the second someone declares you are wrong love does not come out swinging; it does not instantly believe the worst but believes and trusts God. Love does not budge when someone goes into the bathroom first in the morning or eats your favorite cereal without asking. Love does not hate back. Love is not provoked.
Love does not think evil things; Love does not plot revenge against an enemy or have mean thoughts towards a bully, nor does love dwell on negative emotions, opposite of God’s Word. Emotions that are destructive and full of death. Love thinks about things that bring joy and happiness. That bring life. It does not constantly think over and over about all the wrongs that have been done towards him. Love does not think evil things.
Love does not get excited about evil, it does not consume itself with things that bring spiritual death but it desires Truth.. .Love does not get excited to break the rules but instead love gets excited to obey God and to walk in His ways. Love does not get excited about evil
Love goes completely and joyfully bonkers when it is in the center of Gods truth. Love puts up with ALL things, every mean, horrible, rotten, unthinkable, unkind thing, Love believes all things, Love Hopes all things and endures all things. Love never fails, it never ever gives up even in the most hideous, dire and painful of circumstances. But think about this, even where there are these great amazing people of God who speak prophecies and wisdom from above, even that they will fail; even when there are these supernatural spiritual gifts taking place around us like speaking in tongues, they will stop one day; whether there is this uncanny, incredible knowledge, it will also disappear. Done away! Can you believe it! It is true!
So then we are told to have a devoted faith, hope and love. But, Paul says, the greatest of these is love….
i LOVEE how the LORD uses different ways to reach different people!! This is such a practical way of hearing what the LORD expects from HIS children regarding LOVE!!!