Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Prompt 4 **10 Things I want to do by 2013 ** No looking back!

2012 has been a very interesting year. So much stuff has gone on, I can barely keep track. One thing I did today was make a print out of all the adversity and affliction I have experienced this year and burned that paper. I want to give all that stuff back to the Lord so I do not grow a root of bitterness and disappointment. I want to hand it back to Him so that he can refresh me and help me to keep moving forward.
In Philippians 3:13 Paul says, Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. Also in Luke 9:62 Jesus said, "“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

My list
1. Give my blog a new theme (Maybe a fall theme)
2. Get my VA and Etsy business off the ground in some way 
shape or form
3. Start organizing my paperwork
4. Get 1 room in my home decorated 
(Living room/kitchen combo)
(That means finish painting, trim, woodwork, curtains, decor, doors and sills)
5. Go on a hike with my children
6. Have a party
7. Get one storage locker emptied out
8. Get the skirting done on the house
9. lose 20lbs (totally doable) 
10. Give daily thanksgiving to the lord for who He is! and be ok with where He has me for whatever reason He has me here


  1. Hi, Kristin

    What a lovely post. When I go through hard times, I am always grateful for what I have learned from those hardship. These are great goals and you can do it. God has given you the grace and the strength to accomplish these goals.


  2. Amen Vanessa, Thank you for the encouragement.. Thank you for stopping in:O)

  3. I think these are GREAT DOABLE things to accomplish -- THINGS I KNOWWWWWWWWW you can do!!! I'm here to help you if you need it....or just to listen and love you!!! YOUR one of my favorite people in world!! THANK YOU LORD for giving her to me!!! I AM BLESSED to call you daughter/friend/sister in Christ....BUDDY!!! LOVE YOU BABY GIRL!!!
