Thursday, July 12, 2012

Girls.. Give yourself permission to look raggedy

Funny Story...
The past few days have been hard. Lets face it, life can be harsh. It can knock you down when you least expect it. Today I met with my mom. She came in to town to take me and the kids to pick up our adorable kitty Harley from the vet. I always love seeing my mom. She adores me, she is constantly trying to make things better for me. Letting  me know how she is there and cares for me. I really appreciate her. Today she said, "honey, you look pretty rough. Are you ok? " Ha, yes mom. I am ok.. She replied, " gosh I'm just not used to seeing you like this."

I began to immediately go into introspection. I began to question if it was ok to be out in public looking so raggedy. If I would scare small children or people would look down on me. If I was embarrassing my family? Hmm, I entertained these thoughts for mere seconds but they could of began to define who I was. They could of told me, " you are worthless." or " you do not take care of yourself." I then responded to the nagging thoughts with, no I am fine and if it bothers anyone about the way I look, then I guess that is their problem. I am beautiful, whether raggedy or perfectly put together. I am beautiful. I am unique and special. I gave myself permission to look raggedy.

Not too long ago, I could of never, in a million years, been ok with the way I looked. Today I know who I am. I know who I belong to and I know that it's not my makeup or clothes that defines who I am. Boy or boy, what a great day for me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. HI, Kristin

    LOL, okay I typed a comment and after I posted it I read what I wrote and it didn't make sense. Let's just say I was typing but my brain was getting ahead of my fingers. What I wanted to tell you is that I have had some of those days. It's life and I agree with you clothes, makeup doesn't define who you are. Thank God we are women who are comfortable in our roughness. LOL Have a great weekend.


    1. Haha Vanessa.. Yes I could not have said that maybe even 6 months ago. Maybe it's age or just coming in to knowing who I am and being ok with that. Also knowing there is more to me than the way I look.. Thank God haha.. Thanks for popping in:))

  3. Yes, yes you are beautiful! Truly we all have days where we are feeling a little raggedy (love that word, it made me lol!) but the key is not to stay in that raggedy place. To do just what you did! You go, girl! We have to love ourselves and see ourselves through God's eyes!

  4. Joell you are so sweet. Thank you.. I agree. I know when I come into that raggedy place I know to go back into the lord. Stay hidden in Him.. You are so right... God Bless sis..

  5. Your momma isn't very sensitive all the time!! I look like you looked that day -- ALOT!!! You are BEAUTIFUL -- every day -- no matter what!?!? You didn't NOT look beautiful that day -- you looked tired!! PROBABLY because you shampooed 6 rooms in my house!!! DUMMY MOMMY!!! I love you ALWAYS!!! And I LOVE the way you LOOK -- ALWAYS!!!

  6. You are fab and NO dummy mommy lol. Romans Romans Beep Beep.. Your so sweet though. Always encouraging me. Loving me so much. Thank you


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